
Hotels in Shimla

Finding good Hotel in Shimla is not a problem. any season you get rooms. Try finding Hotel near Mall Road. Vehicles are not allowed on Mall Road so for good transportation stay near Mall Road and not on Mall Road.  We stayed at Hotel Sukh Sagar at Circular Road near Vicotry Tunnel.

View from Hotel Room window.

Hotel is good, staff is friendly, food is little expensive and also not value for money. over all hotel is not bad and to mention specially owner of the hotel is nice man, talkative and friendly. In his words "Shimla has around 300 Hotels they increase price in peak season but in his hotel they dont increase the price in season" their prices are mentioned on their websites. If you are visiting in winter be ready with warm clothes and bargain for heater in room and ask for good one. they also have toy heaters just to satisfy customers.

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